Books about Chicago (Ill.) -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Keeban Edwin Balmer
Letters from a Self-Made Merchant to His Son George Horace Lorimer
License to Steal Louis Newman
Little Lost Sister Virginia Brooks
Lord of the Silent Death Robert Moore Williams
Marching Men Sherwood Anderson
Memoirs of an American Citizen Robert Herrick
Mr. Achilles Jennette Lee
Old Gorgon Graham George Horace Lorimer
One for the Robot—Two for the Same Rog Phillips
pit : a story of Chicago Frank Norris
Place Where Chicago Was Jim Harmon
Rebellion Joseph Medill Patterson
Secret Toll Paul Thorne and Mabel Thorne
Shadow of Victory: A Romance of Fort Dearborn Myrtle Reed
Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser
Sister Carrie: A Novel Theodore Dreiser
So Big Edna Ferber
Song of the Lark Willa Cather
Sweet Clover: A Romance of the White City Clara Louise Burnham
Syvänne : Kuvauksia Chicagon pörssipiireistä (Finnish) Frank Norris
Tame Surrender, A Story of The Chicago Strike Charles King
Titan Theodore Dreiser
Until Life Do Us Part Winston K. Marks
Wau-nan-gee; Or, the Massacre at Chicago: A Romance of the American Revolution Major Richardson