Books about Chicago (Ill.) -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
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achievements of Luther Trant William MacHarg and Edwin Balmer
Briary Bush: A Novel Floyd Dell
Bullet with His Name Fritz Leiber
Chicago Princess Robert Barr
Chikago: Nykyajan romaani (Finnish) Upton Sinclair
Colossus: A Novel Opie Percival Read
Compete or Die! Mark Reinsberg
Con-Fen James R. Adams
corner in corn; or, How a Chicago boy did the trick Self-made man
Deadly City Paul W. Fairman
Decidedly Odd William MacHarg and Edwin Balmer
Disembodied Man Jack Owen Jardine
Efficiency Expert Edgar Rice Burroughs
Efficiency Expert Edgar Rice Burroughs
Erik Dorn Ben Hecht
Eye for an Eye Clarence Darrow
Girl and the Bill Bannister Merwin
girls Edna Ferber
Glory of the Conquered: The Story of a Great Love Susan Glaspell
Guaranteed—Forever! Frank M. Robinson
Gullible's Travels, Etc. Ring Lardner
Indian Drum William MacHarg and Edwin Balmer
Jane Cable George Barr McCutcheon
Jungle Upton Sinclair
Jungle Upton Sinclair
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