Books in Browsing: Environmental Issues (sorted alphabetically)
Climatic Changes: Their Nature and Causes Ellsworth Huntington and Stephen Sargent Visher
Coal and the coal mines Homer Greene
Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom P. L. Simmonds
Common Nature of Epidemics, and their relation to climate and civilization Southwood Smith
Comparison of Methods of Sewage Purification Theodore Clifford Phillips and Edward John Schneider
Complete Story of the San Francisco Horror Trumbull White, Richard Linthicum, and Samuel Fallows
Conservation of marine birds of northern North America:
Conservation Reader Harold W. Fairbanks
Conservation Through Engineering Franklin K. Lane
Den Hunting as a Means of Coyote Control Harold Warren Dobyns and Stanley Paul Young
Deserts: Geology and Resources A. S. Walker
Dirty Dustbins and Sloppy Streets H. Percy Boulnois
Draft of a Plan for Beginning Animal Sanctuaries in Labrador William Wood
drooglegging der Zuiderzee. Het plan J. Ulehake contra het plan C. Lely (Dutch) J. Ulehake
Earth as Modified by Human Action George P. Marsh
Ecological Studies of the Timber Wolf in Northeastern Minnesota L. David Mech, Louis Daniel Frenzel, Robert R. Ream, John W. Winship, and P. D. Karns
eerste ontwerp voor de bedijking der Zuiderzee, 1848 (Dutch) Jakob Kloppenburg and Pieter Faddegon
Extermination of the American Bison William T. Hornaday
Field Mice as Farm and Orchard Pests David E. Lantz
Fight for Conservation Gifford Pinchot
Fishing Grounds of the Gulf of Maine Walter H. Rich
Fishing Industry William E. Gibbs
flore utile du bassin de la Gambie (French) A. Rançon
Flytraps and Their Operation [1921] F. C. Bishopp
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