Books in Browsing: Environmental Issues (sorted alphabetically)
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Acid Rain and Our Nation's Capital: A Guide to Effects on Buildings and Monuments E. S. McGee
afsluiting en droogmaking der Zuiderzee. Weerlegging van bezwaren. (Dutch) A. A. Beekman
agricultural and forest products of British West Africa Gerald C. Dudgeon
Amateur Garden George Washington Cable
Animal Sanctuaries in Labrador William Wood
Appeal to the British Nation on the Humanity and Policy of Forming a National Institution for the Preservation of Lives and Property from Shipwreck (1825) Sir William Hillary
Arbor Day Leaves Nathaniel Hillyer Egleston
Asbestos, Its production and use Robert H. Jones
Assessment of the Consequences and Preparations for a Catastrophic California Earthquake: Findings and Actions Taken United States. Federal Emergency Management Agency
Atoms, Nature, and Man: Man-made Radioactivity in the Environment Neal O. Hines
Barometer and Weather Guide
Barrier beaches of the Atlantic coast Frederick J. H. Merrill
bedbug : Its relation to public health, its habits and life history, and methods of control United States. Public Health Service
Bird-Lore, March-April 1916 Various
Bird Study Book T. Gilbert Pearson
Book of the Otter: A manual for sportsmen and naturalists Richard Clapham
Botanical Magazine, Vol. 01 William Curtis
Brief History of Forestry. B. E. Fernow
British Canals: Is their resuscitation practicable? Edwin A. Pratt
Checking the Waste: A Study in Conservation Mary Huston Gregory
Chlorination of Water Joseph Race
Cholera and the Water Supply in the South Districts of London in 1854 John Snow
City That Was Stephen Smith
Civics and Health William H. Allen
Climate and Health in Hot Countries and the Outlines of Tropical Climatology George Michael James Giles
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