Books about American poetry -- 20th century (sorted alphabetically)
- Precipitations Evelyn Scott
- Puella mea E. E. Cummings
- Rosemary and Pansies Effie Waller Smith
- Saga of the oak, and other poems William Henry Venable
- Sardonic Arm Maxwell Bodenheim
- Second Book of Modern Verse
- Secret Way Zona Gale
- Selected Poems Robert Frost
- Shadow-Eater Benjamin De Casseres
- sinking of the Titanic, and other poems Clarence Victor Stahl
- Some Imagist Poets, 1916: An Annual Anthology D. H. Lawrence, Amy Lowell, John Gould Fletcher, H. D., Richard Aldington, and F. S. Flint
- Some Imagist Poets: An Anthology D. H. Lawrence, Amy Lowell, John Gould Fletcher, H. D., Richard Aldington, and F. S. Flint
- Song of the Stone Wall Helen Keller
- Sonnets from the Patagonian Donald Evans
- Summer of Love Joyce Kilmer
- Three Stories & Ten Poems Ernest Hemingway
- Tree with a Bird in it: Margaret Widdemer
- Twelve poems Edith Wharton
- Twentieth Century Epic Reuben Brodie Garnett
- Two in Arcadia Lucine Finch
- Wampum and Old Gold Hervey Allen
- Willow Pollen Jeannette Augustus Marks
- Woman of Thirty Marjorie Allen Seiffert
- woods Douglas Malloch
- wounded Eros : sonnets Charles Gibson