Books about Plantation life -- Juvenile fiction (sorted alphabetically)
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Displaying results 1–11
Aaron in the Wildwoods Joel Chandler Harris
Daddy Jake the Runaway, and Short Stories Told after Dark Joel Chandler Harris
Daisy Susan Warner
Daisy Susan Warner
Diddie, Dumps, and Tot; Or, Plantation Child-Life Louise Clarke Pyrnelle
Diddie, Dumps & Tot; or, Plantation child-life Louise Clarke Pyrnelle
Nic Revel: A White Slave's Adventures in Alligator Land George Manville Fenn
Pictures and Stories from Uncle Tom's Cabin Unknown and Harriet Beecher Stowe
story of Aaron (so named) the son of Ben Ali : Told by his friends and acquaintances Joel Chandler Harris
That Old-Time Child, Roberta": Her Home-Life on the Farm Sophie Fox Sea
Told by Uncle Remus: New Stories of the Old Plantation Joel Chandler Harris
Displaying results 1–11