Books about Mystery fiction (sorted by popularity)
Dave Fearless and the Cave of Mystery; or, Adrift on the Pacific Roy Rockwood 184 downloads
The Red Symbol John Ironside 181 downloads
The Pagan Madonna Harold MacGrath 181 downloads
December Love Robert Hichens 178 downloads
The Tenants of Malory, Volume 1 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu 178 downloads
If Sinners Entice Thee William Le Queux 178 downloads
The Bond of Black William Le Queux 177 downloads
The Sins of Séverac Bablon Sax Rohmer 176 downloads
The Star Beast Damon Knight 176 downloads
Cord and Creese James De Mille 176 downloads
The Haunting of Low Fennel Sax Rohmer 175 downloads
The Chink in the Armour Marie Belloc Lowndes 173 downloads
A Case in Camera Oliver Onions 173 downloads
From Whose Bourne Robert Barr 173 downloads
Whatsoever a Man Soweth William Le Queux 173 downloads
The mill of silence Bernard Capes 173 downloads
What Timmy Did Marie Belloc Lowndes 172 downloads
The White Moll Frank L. Packard 172 downloads
The Secret of the Tower Anthony Hope 172 downloads
The Destroying Angel Louis Joseph Vance 172 downloads
The Mysterious Key and What It Opened Louisa May Alcott 171 downloads
The Master of the Ceremonies George Manville Fenn 171 downloads
A Daughter of the Forest Evelyn Raymond 171 downloads
Dick Merriwell Abroad; Or, The Ban of the Terrible Ten Burt L. Standish 170 downloads
Jerry Todd and the Oak Island Treasure Leo Edwards 169 downloads