Books about Rabbits -- Juvenile fiction (sorted by popularity)
Uncle Wiggily's Automobile Howard Roger Garis 171 downloads
The Tale of Peter Rabbit Beatrix Potter 166 downloads
Uncle Wiggily on the farm : Or, How he hunted for eggs and was cause for alarm; and Bully and Bawly, the froggie boys; also how Uncle Wiggily helped nurse Jane with the house cleaning Howard Roger Garis 165 downloads
Mr. Rabbit at Home Joel Chandler Harris 165 downloads
Uncle Wiggily and Mother Goose Howard Roger Garis 150 downloads
Little Jack Rabbit's Adventures David Cory 150 downloads
Uncle Wiggily and Baby Bunty Howard Roger Garis 148 downloads
Uncle Wiggily's Airship : Bedtime Stories Howard Roger Garis 148 downloads
Billy Bunny and Uncle Bull Frog David Cory 148 downloads
Uncle Wiggily's June Bug friends : or, How the June Bugs brought joy to Uncle Wiggily; and The Skillery Scallery Alligator; also, How Uncle Wiggily picked some flowers Howard Roger Garis 147 downloads
Uncle Wiggily's Fortune Howard Roger Garis 147 downloads
Uncle Wiggily's funny auto : or, How the Skillery Skallery Alligator was bumped; and Uncle Wiggily and his snow plow; also How the bunny rabbit gentleman watered the garden Howard Roger Garis 146 downloads
Doctor Rabbit and Tom Wildcat Thomas C. Hinkle 146 downloads
Uncle Wiggily's silk hat : or, A tall silk hat may be stylish and also useful; and How Uncle Wiggily brought home company without telling Nurse Jane; also How Uncle Wiggily tried to make salt water taffy Howard Roger Garis 146 downloads
Uncle Wiggily on The Flying Rug; Or, The Great Adventure on a Windy March Day Howard Roger Garis 145 downloads
The Bunnikins-Bunnies and the Moon King Edith B. Davidson 145 downloads
Bumper the White Rabbit George Ethelbert Walsh 143 downloads
Edwin, the young rabbit fancier, and other stories Anonymous 142 downloads
The Bunnikins-Bunnies in camp Edith B. Davidson 142 downloads
The second adventures of Uncle Wiggily : The bunny rabbit gentleman and his muskrat lady housekeeper Howard Roger Garis 141 downloads
The Velveteen Rabbit Margery Williams Bianco 139 downloads
Little Jack Rabbit and Mr. Wicked Wolf David Cory 138 downloads
Little Jack Rabbit and Danny Fox David Cory 137 downloads
Little Jack Rabbit's big blue book David Cory 135 downloads
The Tale of Bunny Cotton-Tail Laura Rountree Smith 133 downloads