Books about Humorous stories (sorted alphabetically)
Extracts from Adam's Diary Mark Twain
Extracts from Adam's Diary Mark Twain
Extracts from Adam's Diary, translated from the original ms. Mark Twain
Eyes Have It Philip K. Dick
Fall of Ulysses: An Elephant Story Charles Dwight Willard
Fish preferred P. G. Wodehouse
Fluttered Dovecote George Manville Fenn
Flying Inn G. K. Chesterton
Fun o' the Forge: Stories Brian O'Higgins
Galusha the Magnificent Joseph Crosby Lincoln
Gem Collector P. G. Wodehouse
Genial Idiot: His Views and Reviews John Kendrick Bangs
Gentleman of Leisure P. G. Wodehouse
Gentlemen prefer blondes" : The illuminating diary of a professional lady Anita Loos
Geoffery Gambado Richard Cobbold
Get Next! George V. Hobart
Girl at Cobhurst Frank R. Stockton
Girl on the Boat P. G. Wodehouse
Going Some Rex Beach
Göteborgsflickor, och andra historier (Swedish) Sigge Strömberg
Great American Pie Company Ellis Parker Butler
Haaveilija (Finnish) Knut Hamsun
Hadrian the Seventh Frederick Rolfe
Half-Hours with the Idiot John Kendrick Bangs
Hand of Ethelberta Thomas Hardy