Books about Science fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Big Trip Up Yonder Kurt Vonnegut
Bimmie Says Sydney J. Van Scyoc
Birds and the Bees David E. Fisher
Birds of a Feather Robert Silverberg
Birds of Lorrane William R. Doede
Birthday Present Arnold Marmor
Birthright April Smith
black alarm George O. Smith
Black Amazon of Mars Leigh Brackett
Black Eyes and the Daily Grind Stephen Marlowe
Black Man's Burden Mack Reynolds
Black no more : Being an account of the strange and wonderful workings of science in the land of the free, A.D. 1933-1940 George S. Schuyler
Black-out Joseph Farrell
Black Priestess of Varda Erik Fennel
Black Silence Robert Emmett McDowell
Black Star Passes Jr. John W. Campbell
Black Tide Arthur G. Stangland
Bleedback Winston K. Marks
Bleekman's Planet Randall Garrett and Robert Silverberg
Blessed are the meek G. C. Edmondson
Blind Man's Lantern Allen Kim Lang
Blind Play Chandler Davis
Blind Spot Austin Hall and Homer Eon Flint
Blind Spot Bascom Jones
Blind Time George O. Smith