Books about Science fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Beast of prey Jay Williams
Beast of Space F. E. Hardart
Beasts in the Void Paul W. Fairman
Beautiful People Charles Beaumont
Beauty contest? Henry Slesar
Beauty interrupted Charles L. Fontenay
Bedside Manner Joseph Samachson
Beer-Trust Busters A. R. Stuart
Before Egypt Robert Bloch
Be It Ever Thus Robert Moore Williams
Bell Tone Edmund Harry Leftwich
Belly Laugh Randall Garrett
belt Wallace West
Beneath the Red World's Crust Erik Fennel
Benefactor George H. Smith
Berserker Charles V. De Vet
Beside Still Waters Robert Sheckley
Beside the golden door Henry Slesar
Best Made Plans Everett B. Cole
Best of Fences Randall Garrett
Between the dark and the daylight Algis Budrys
Beware the Star Gods S. J. Byrne
Beware, the Usurpers! Robert W. Krepps
Beyond Bedlam Wyman Guin
Beyond Lies the Wub Philip K. Dick