Books about Science fiction (sorted by popularity)
The Spy in the Elevator Donald E. Westlake 379 downloads
The Purple Cloud M. P. Shiel 373 downloads
The Plattner Story, and Others H. G. Wells 370 downloads
A fighting man of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs 370 downloads
The Time Traders Andre Norton 369 downloads
From the Earth to the Moon, Direct in Ninety-Seven Hours and Twenty Minutes: and a Trip Round It Jules Verne 368 downloads
Young Readers Science Fiction Stories Richard M. Elam 366 downloads
Metropolis Thea von Harbou 364 downloads
The Weakling Everett B. Cole 363 downloads
When the Sleeper Wakes H. G. Wells 363 downloads
The Creatures That Time Forgot Ray Bradbury 362 downloads
Industrial Revolution Poul Anderson 362 downloads
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde Robert Louis Stevenson 359 downloads
The Crystal Crypt Philip K. Dick 356 downloads
The tunnel thru the air : or, Looking back from 1940 William D. Gann 355 downloads
...After a Few Words... Randall Garrett 354 downloads
Gladiator Philip Wylie 350 downloads
The Mysterious Island Jules Verne 350 downloads
Space Prison Tom Godwin 348 downloads
A Voyage to the Moon George Tucker 343 downloads
All Around the Moon Jules Verne 342 downloads
El caso extraño del Doctor Jekyll (Spanish) Robert Louis Stevenson 342 downloads
The Aliens Murray Leinster 339 downloads
Storm Over Warlock Andre Norton 335 downloads
Ask a Foolish Question Robert Sheckley 333 downloads