Books about Criminals -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Secret of the Silver Car Wyndham Martyn
servant of Satan: Romantic career of Prado the assassin Louis Berard
Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man Marie Conway Oemler
stainless steel rat Harry Harrison
stainless steel rat Harry Harrison
Star chamber H. B. Fyfe
Star of Satan Henry Hasse
terrors of the upper air Frank Orndorff
Three Thieves of Japetus Mark Reinsberg
Three Thousand Dollars Anna Katharine Green
To make a hero Randall Garrett
Trail of Death H. Bedford-Jones
Treasure of Triton Charles A. Baker
Turn of the Balance Brand Whitlock
Turnover Point Alfred Coppel
Vengeance on Mars! Jerome Bixby
vrais mystères de Paris (French) Eugène François Vidocq
white cipher Henry Leverage
Who Was Lost and Is Found: A Novel Mrs. Oliphant
Wire Tappers Arthur Stringer
Woman's Burden: A Novel Fergus Hume
Wreck Off Triton Alfred Coppel
Young Bank Messenger Jr. Horatio Alger
Zero Data Charles Saphro