Books about Prisoners -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
An Eye for an Eye Clarence Darrow 149 downloads
Citadel of the Green Death Robert Emmett McDowell 149 downloads
Into the Highways and Hedges F. F. Montrésor 146 downloads
Left hand, right hand James H. Schmitz 145 downloads
Outpost on Io Leigh Brackett 145 downloads
Exiles of the Three Red Moons Carl Selwyn 145 downloads
Muck Man Fremont Dodge 142 downloads
Handyman Frank Banta 142 downloads
Wakefieldin kappalainen (Finnish) Oliver Goldsmith 136 downloads
Monte-Criston kreivi (Finnish) Alexandre Dumas and Auguste Maquet 135 downloads
The Outer Quiet Herbert D. Kastle 134 downloads
The Last Rebel Joseph A. Altsheler 133 downloads
Picciola : The prisoner of Fenestrella or, captivity captive X.-B. Saintine 132 downloads
Picciola (French) X.-B. Saintine 132 downloads
A prison make William W. Stuart 129 downloads
The Prison of the Stars Stanley Mullen 125 downloads
The Star of Satan Henry Hasse 124 downloads
Outcast of the Stars Robert Silverberg 123 downloads
My Fire Opal, and Other Tales Sarah Warner Brooks 119 downloads
La fille Elisa (French) Edmond de Goncourt 115 downloads
Convict B 14: A Novel R. K. Weekes 115 downloads
Proktols of Neptune Henry Hasse 104 downloads
Ordeal in Space Ralph Sloan 99 downloads
The Sword of Johnny Damokles Hugh Frazier Parker 87 downloads
Exit From Asteroid 60 D. L. James 86 downloads