Books about Canada -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Corporal Cameron of the North West Mounted Police: A Tale of the Macleod Trail Ralph Connor
Countess from Canada: A Story of Life in the Backwoods Bessie Marchant
Cryptogram: A Novel James De Mille
David Fleming's Forgiveness Margaret M. Robertson
Dennison Grant: A Novel of To-day Robert J. C. Stead
Doctor : A Tale of the Rockies Ralph Connor
Double Crossed W. Douglas Newton
enfer et le paradis de l'autre monde (French) H. Emile Chevalier
Flower of the North: A Modern Romance James Oliver Curwood
Foreigner: A Tale of Saskatchewan Ralph Connor
Four Canadian Highwaymen; Or, The Robbers of Markham Swamp J. E. Collins
Girl from Keller's Harold Bindloss
Girl of the North: A Story of London and Canada Susan Morrow Jones
Glengarry School Days: A Story of Early Days in Glengarry Ralph Connor
God's Country—And the Woman James Oliver Curwood
Going of the White Swan Gilbert Parker
Golden Snare James Oliver Curwood
Harbor Master Theodore Goodridge Roberts
Harbor of Doubt Francis William Sullivan
Heart of Cherry McBain: A Novel Douglas Durkin
Heart of Unaga Ridgwell Cullum
Hélika: Memoire d'un vieux maître d'école (French) Charles DeGuise
Honor Edgeworth; Or, Ottawa's Present Tense Vera
House of Cariboo, and Other Tales from Arcadia A. Paul Gardiner
Huntress Hulbert Footner