Books about Love stories (sorted by popularity)
Romance Island Zona Gale 98 downloads
The Northern Light E. Werner 98 downloads
Big Game: A Story for Girls Mrs. George de Horne Vaizey 98 downloads
The Dim Lantern Temple Bailey 98 downloads
Dogs Always Know Elisabeth Sanxay Holding 98 downloads
Stella Rosevelt : A novel Mrs. Georgie Sheldon 98 downloads
Princess Zara Ross Beeckman 97 downloads
Marjorie Justin H. McCarthy 97 downloads
Their Yesterdays Harold Bell Wright 97 downloads
The Younger Sister: A Novel, Vol. II. Mrs. Hubback 97 downloads
Paul ja Virginia (Finnish) Bernardin de Saint-Pierre 97 downloads
The adventures of Alphonso and Marina: An Interesting Spanish Tale Florian 97 downloads
The rebellion of the Princess Mary Imlay Taylor 97 downloads
Les châteaux d'Athlin et de Dunbayne (2/2), Histoire arrivée dans les Montagnes d'Écosse. (French) Ann Ward Radcliffe 97 downloads
The Cruise of the Make-Believes Tom Gallon 97 downloads
The Childerbridge Mystery Guy Boothby 97 downloads
A Lame Dog's Diary S. Macnaughtan 97 downloads
The Wall Between Sara Ware Bassett 97 downloads
The Man on the Box Harold MacGrath 97 downloads
The Lady Paramount Henry Harland 97 downloads
A Bitter Heritage: A Modern Story of Love and Adventure John Bloundelle-Burton 96 downloads
Those Brewster Children Florence Morse Kingsley 96 downloads
The Flower of the Chapdelaines George Washington Cable 96 downloads
In the Name of the People Arthur W. Marchmont 96 downloads
Cecilia of the Pink Roses Katharine Haviland-Taylor 96 downloads