Books about Young women -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Jenny: A Novel Sigrid Undset
Jenny: Roman (Norwegian) Sigrid Undset
Joyce Mrs. Oliphant
Kalatyttö (Finnish) Bjørnstjerne Bjørnson
Kate Coventry: An Autobiography G. J. Whyte-Melville
Kathleen Christopher Morley
Katie Robertson : A girls story of factory life Margaret E. Winslow
Kaunotar (Finnish) Frances Hodgson Burnett
Kitty Canary: A Novel Kate Langley Bosher
Kotiopettajattaren romaani (Jane Eyre) (Finnish) Charlotte Brontë
Lady Barbarity: A Romance J. C. Snaith
Lady Betty Across the Water C. N. Williamson and A. M. Williamson
Lady Connie Mrs. Humphry Ward
lady in black Florence Warden
Lady of the Aroostook William Dean Howells
Lady Penelope Morley Roberts
Lalage's Lovers George A. Birmingham
Laurel Vane; or, The Girls' Conspiracy Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
Lemorne Versus Huell Elizabeth Stoddard
Like Another Helen Sydney C. Grier
Little Eve Edgarton Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
Little Eve Edgarton Eleanor Hallowell Abbott
Little Miss By-The-Day Lucille Van Slyke
Little Rebel Duchess
Little Rebel: A Novel Duchess