Books about Young women -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Devotee: An Episode in the Life of a Butterfly Mary Cholmondeley
Diane of the Green Van Leona Dalrymple
douze nouvelles nouvelles (French) Arsène Houssaye
Dusty answer Rosamond Lehmann
Eddy: A Novel of To-day Clarence Louis Cullen
Edith Lyle : A novel Mary Jane Holmes
Elämänhurman häipyessä (Finnish) Rosamond Lehmann
Eleanor's victory M. E. Braddon
Emily Fox-Seton : being The making of a marchioness and The methods of Lady Walderhurst Frances Hodgson Burnett
Emma Jane Austen
Emma Jane Austen
Erema; Or, My Father's Sin R. D. Blackmore
Estella: Novelle (German) Lydia Danöfen
Esther : a book for girls Rosa Nouchette Carey
Evangelines Genvordigheder: Til Kvinder med rødt Haar (Danish) Elinor Glyn
Evelina, Or, the History of a Young Lady's Entrance into the World Fanny Burney
Everybody's Lonesome: A True Fairy Story Clara E. Laughlin
eyes of innocence Maurice Leblanc
Fair Barbarian Frances Hodgson Burnett
Fairy Gold Christian Reid
Father and Daughter: A Tale, in Prose Amelia Opie
Ffolliots of Redmarley L. Allen Harker
Fidelity: A Novel Susan Glaspell
Fifth Wheel: A Novel Olive Higgins Prouty
Find the Woman Arthur Somers Roche