Books about Psychological fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Triumph Of Night Edith Wharton
Troublemakers George O. Smith
Turn of the Screw Henry James
Turn of the Screw Henry James
Tuulentupia (Finnish) Joseph Conrad
Ulysses James Joyce
Uncle Silas: A Tale of Bartram-Haugh Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
vagabond des étoiles (French) Jack London
Valkopukuinen nainen 1 (Finnish) Wilkie Collins
Valkopukuinen nainen 2 (Finnish) Wilkie Collins
Veljekset: Talvinen tarina (Finnish) Robert Louis Stevenson
Verwandlung (German) Franz Kafka
Victory: An Island Tale Joseph Conrad
Victory: An Island Tale Joseph Conrad
Vixen, Volume I. M. E. Braddon
Vixen, Volume II. M. E. Braddon
Vixen, Volume III. M. E. Braddon
Voyage to Arcturus David Lindsay
Wailing Wall Roger D. Aycock
way out Richard Rein Smith
Wedding Day Winston K. Marks
Well-Beloved Thomas Hardy
Well-Beloved: A Sketch of a Temperament Thomas Hardy
Wheels Within Charles V. De Vet
Wieland; Or, The Transformation: An American Tale Charles Brockden Brown