Books about Psychological fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Mill on the Floss George Eliot
Mill on the Floss George Eliot
Mind Digger Winston K. Marks
Mind Worms Moses Schere
Miracle by Price Irving E. Cox
Moby Dick Herman Melville
Moby-Dick; or, The Whale Herman Melville
Moby Dick; Or, The Whale Herman Melville
Moby Dick; Or, The Whale Herman Melville
Moby Dick; Or, The Whale Herman Melville
Modern Mephistopheles, and A Whisper in the Dark Louisa May Alcott
Monkey On His Back Charles V. De Vet
Moon and Sixpence W. Somerset Maugham
Mortal Antipathy Oliver Wendell Holmes
mother's recompense Edith Wharton
Mrs. Dalloway Virginia Woolf
Mugby Junction Charles Dickens
Mugby Junction Charles Dickens
Mugby Junction Charles Dickens
Mugbyn risteys (Finnish) Charles Dickens
My past is mine Gerda Rhoads
Mystery of Edwin Drood Charles Dickens
Mystery of Edwin Drood Charles Dickens
Näkymätön mies (Finnish) H. G. Wells
Nègre du "Narcisse" (French) Joseph Conrad