Books about New York (N.Y.) -- Fiction (sorted by popularity)
- The Intrusion of Jimmy P. G. Wodehouse 257 downloads
- The Sturgis wager : A detective story Edgar Morette 251 downloads
- The Bostonians, Vol. II (of II) Henry James 235 downloads
- Sister Carrie Theodore Dreiser 228 downloads
- The Day of Days: An Extravaganza Louis Joseph Vance 227 downloads
- A Gentleman of Leisure P. G. Wodehouse 226 downloads
- Cool air H. P. Lovecraft 224 downloads
- Black is White George Barr McCutcheon 223 downloads
- Torchy and Vee Sewell Ford 219 downloads
- He H. P. Lovecraft 216 downloads
- The house of bondage Reginald Wright Kauffman 205 downloads
- The swing of the pendulum Adriana Spadoni 203 downloads
- Get-Rich-Quick Wallingford George Randolph Chester 202 downloads
- That Affair Next Door Anna Katharine Green 199 downloads
- The Sword of Damocles: A Story of New York Life Anna Katharine Green 194 downloads
- Children of loneliness Anzia Yezierska 194 downloads
- Torchy, Private Sec. Sewell Ford 192 downloads
- Classified object John Victor Peterson 191 downloads
- Jane Journeys On Ruth Comfort Mitchell 190 downloads
- The Bacillus of Beauty: A Romance of To-day Harriet Stark 189 downloads
- Uneasy Money P. G. Wodehouse 188 downloads
- The small bachelor P. G. Wodehouse 188 downloads
- The Old Maid (The 'Fifties) Edith Wharton 185 downloads
- World atavism Edmond Hamilton 183 downloads
- Coming Attraction Fritz Leiber 182 downloads