Books about Revenge -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Death Walks on Mars Alan J. Ramm
Dreadful Temptation; or, A Young Wife's Ambition Mrs. Alex. McVeigh Miller
Eleanor's victory M. E. Braddon
Eye for an Eye Anthony Trollope
Face au drapeau (French) Jules Verne
Facing the Flag Jules Verne
Forfeit Ridgwell Cullum
grandes espérances (French) Charles Dickens
Great Expectations Charles Dickens
Great Expectations Charles Dickens
Green Dream Bryce Walton
Guy Deverell, v. 1 of 2 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
Guy Deverell, v. 2 of 2 Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu
haunter of the ring Robert E. Howard
He swallows gold H. Bedford-Jones
Hollow Land William Morris
Indian's Hand Lorimer Stoddard
In the Depths of the Dark Continent; or, The Vengeance of Van Vincent Cornelius Shea
Jacquou le Croquant (French) Eugène Le Roy
jest and a vengeance E. Hoffmann Price
letra escarlata (Spanish) Nathaniel Hawthorne
Lion and the Mouse: A Story of American Life Charles Klein and Arthur Hornblow
Lion and the Mouse; a Story of an American Life Charles Klein and Arthur Hornblow
lion's share Octave Thanet
Maiwa's Revenge; Or, The War of the Little Hand H. Rider Haggard