Books about Survival -- Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Robinson suisse ou Histoire d'une famille suisse naufragée (French) Johann David Wyss
Stranded in Arcady Francis Lynde
Stuurman Flink; of, De schipbreuk van "De Vrede" (Dutch) Frederick Marryat
Survival Basil Wells
Swiss Family Robinson Johann David Wyss
Swiss Family Robinson Johann David Wyss
Swiss Family Robinson: A Translation from the Original German Johann David Wyss
Swiss Family Robinson; or Adventures in a Desert Island Johann David Wyss
Swiss Family Robinson; or, Adventures on a Desert Island Johann David Wyss
Time of Cold Mary Carlson
Wanderers of the Wolf-Moon Nelson S. Bond
Whitefoot the Wood Mouse Thornton W. Burgess
Winning of the Moon Kris Neville
World of the Hunter Stephen Marlowe
Year When Stardust Fell Raymond F. Jones