Books about Fantasy fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Happy Hypocrite: A Fairy Tale for Tired Men Sir Max Beerbohm
Harding's luck E. Nesbit
Harilek : A romance Martin Louis Alan Gompertz
Heart of the World H. Rider Haggard
Heart of the World H. Rider Haggard
Hearts of Three Jack London
High Place: A Comedy of Disenchantment James Branch Cabell
Himmelsvolk: Ein Buch von Blumen, Tieren und Gott (German) Waldemar Bonsels
Histoires insolites (French) comte de Auguste Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
House of the Wolfings William Morris
Hungry Tiger of Oz Ruth Plumly Thompson
If You Touch Them They Vanish Gouverneur Morris
Ihmiselon aamuna: Romaani maailman aamuhämärästä (Finnish) Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
I'll dream of you Henry Farrell
In the Morning of Time Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Iole Robert W. Chambers
Istar of Babylon: A Phantasy Margaret Horton Potter
Jaufry the Knight and the Fair Brunissende: A Tale of the Times of King Arthur called Jean Bernard Lafon Mary-Lafon
jest and a vengeance E. Hoffmann Price
Jewel sowers: a novel Edith Allonby
Jungle Tales of Tarzan Edgar Rice Burroughs
Jungle Tales of Tarzan Edgar Rice Burroughs
Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice James Branch Cabell
Kabumpo in Oz Ruth Plumly Thompson
Kadonnut maailma (Finnish) Arthur Conan Doyle