Books about Horror tales (sorted alphabetically)
Living Mummy Ambrose Pratt
Long Arm Franz Nabl
lurking fear H. P. Lovecraft
man who was pale Jack Sharkey
marrying monster Claus Stamm
Medici Boots Pearl Norton Swet
Medusa's coil H. P. Lovecraft and Zealia B. Bishop
Melmoth the Wanderer, Vol. 1 Charles Robert Maturin
Melmoth the Wanderer, Vol. 2 Charles Robert Maturin
Melmoth the Wanderer, Vol. 3 Charles Robert Maturin
Melmoth the Wanderer, Vol. 4 Charles Robert Maturin
misteri del castello d'Udolfo, vol. 1 (Italian) Ann Ward Radcliffe
misteri del castello d'Udolfo, vol. 2 (Italian) Ann Ward Radcliffe
misteri del castello d'Udolfo, vol. 3 (Italian) Ann Ward Radcliffe
misteri del castello d'Udolfo, vol. 4 (Italian) Ann Ward Radcliffe
Monk: A Romance M. G. Lewis
Monkey's Paw W. W. Jacobs
Monkey's Paw W. W. Jacobs
Monster S. M. Tenneshaw
Most Horrible Story John Jakes
Mummy's Foot Théophile Gautier
mystères d'Udolphe (French) Ann Ward Radcliffe
Mysteries of Udolpho Ann Ward Radcliffe
night wire H. F. Arnold
nobles are coming Arthur Jean Cox