Books about Children's poetry (sorted alphabetically)
Rocket Book Peter Newell
Rose buds Virginia Gerson
Rose of Affection Anonymous
Runaway Donkey, and Other Rhymes for Children Emilie Poulsson
Santa Claus, Kriss Kringle, or St. Nicholas Anonymous
Selected Lullabies Eugene Field
Selected Lullabies Eugene Field
Shining Hours Anonymous
Simple Poems for Infant Minds Anonymous
Slant Book Peter Newell
Slant Book Peter Newell
Small Means and Great Ends
Songs for Parents John Chipman Farrar
Songs for the Little Ones at Home
Spring Blossoms Anonymous
star jewels, and other wonders Abbie Farwell Brown
Stories and ballads for young folks Ellen Tracy Alden
Stories of Many Lands Grace Greenwood
Story of a Pumpkin Pie William E. Barton
Story of the Two Bulls John R. Bolles
Sugar and Spice: Comical Tales Comically Dressed James Johnson
Szopka (Polish) Artur Oppman
Tailor and the Crow: An Old Rhyme with New Drawings L. Leslie Brooke
Tale of Two Monkeys, and other stories Anonymous
teacher's gift Anonymous