Books in Western (sorted alphabetically)
Mysterious Rider Zane Grey
Night Horseman Max Brand
Outlet Andy Adams
Pardners Rex Beach
Phantom Herd B. M. Bower
Quirt B. M. Bower
Rainbow Trail Zane Grey
Range Dwellers B. M. Bower
Rangeland Avenger Max Brand
Rebel Spurs Andre Norton
Redheaded Outfield, and Other Baseball Stories Zane Grey
Reed Anthony, Cowman: An Autobiography Andy Adams
Ride Proud, Rebel! Andre Norton
Riders of the Purple Sage Zane Grey
Riders of the Purple Sage Zane Grey
Riders of the Silences Max Brand
Ronicky Doone Max Brand
Rowdy of the Cross L B. M. Bower
Rustlers of Pecos County Zane Grey
Selected Stories of Bret Harte Bret Harte
Seventh Man Max Brand
Skyrider B. M. Bower
Spinifex and Sand David Wynford Carnegie
Spirit of the Border: A Romance of the Early Settlers in the Ohio Valley Zane Grey
Starr, of the Desert B. M. Bower