Books in Science Fiction (sorted alphabetically)
Cause of Death Max Tadlock
Cavern of the Shining Ones Hal K. Wells
Ĉe la koro de la tero (Esperanto) Edgar Rice Burroughs
Celebrity James McKimmey
Celestial Hammerlock Donald Colvin
Cerebrum Albert Teichner
Chain Reaction Boyd Ellanby
Chamber of Life Green Peyton
Chapter Ends Poul Anderson
Charity Case Jim Harmon
Charley de Milo Laurence M. Janifer
Chasers Daniel F. Galouye
Chessmen of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs
Chessmen of Mars Edgar Rice Burroughs
Choice of Miracles James A. Cox
Circuit Riders R. C. FitzPatrick
Circus Alan Edward Nourse
Citadel Algis Budrys
Citizen Jell Michael Shaara
City Near Centaurus William R. Doede
City of Endless Night Milo Hastings
Clean and Wholesome Land Ralph Sholto
Clean Break Roger D. Aycock
Code Three Rick Raphael
Coffin Cure Alan Edward Nourse