Books in Browsing: Other (sorted alphabetically)
Caprices d'un Bibliophile (French) Octave Uzanne
Careers of Danger and Daring Cleveland Moffett
Catalogue of Books and Announcements of Methuen and Company, March 1897 Methuen & Co.
Catalogue of Books and Announcements of Methuen and Company, October 1902 Methuen & Co.
Catalogue of Books Published by Methuen and Company, February, 1908 Methuen & Co.
Catalogue of Books Published by Methuen and Company, November 1907 Methuen & Co.
Catalogue of Books Published by Methuen and Co., October 1909 Methuen & Co.
Catalogue of New Books and New Editions, 1896 & Foster Sands Bliss
catalogue of remarkable books published by Mr. George Redway (1887) George Redway
Catalogue of the William Loring Andrews Collection of Early Books in the Library of Yale University Addison Van Name
Catlin's historic origin of the playing cards : Their original design and subsequent use H. D. Catlin
Cats: Their Points and Characteristics Gordon Stables
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, August, 1913 Various
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (December 1912)
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, July, 1913 Various
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (June 1913) Various
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (May 1913) Various
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine (November 1912)
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, October, 1913 Various
Century Illustrated Monthly Magazine, September, 1913 Various
Certain Noble Plays of Japan: From the manuscripts of Ernest Fenollosa
Chair backs American Thread Company
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 309 Various
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 418 Various
Chambers's Edinburgh Journal, No. 419 Various