Books in Browsing: Other (sorted alphabetically by author)
Hocus Pocus; or The Whole Art of Legerdemain, in Perfection. Henry Dean
Peerless Prestidigitation Herbert De Caston
How Women Should Ride C. De Hurst
The Philosophy of Mystery Walter Cooper Dendy
The Closet of Sir Kenelm Digby Knight Opened Kenelm Digby
Encyclopedia of Needlework Thérèse de Dillmont
The Dog Dinks, Edward Mayhew, and W. N. Hutchinson
The Canterbury Puzzles, and Other Curious Problems Henry Ernest Dudeney
Analectabiblion, Tome 2 (of 2) (French) Auguste François Louis Scipion de Grimoard Beauvoir Du Roure
Mrs. Mary Eales's receipts. (1733) Mary Eales
The Exploits and Triumphs, in Europe, of Paul Morphy, the Chess Champion Frederick Milnes Edge
Brook and river trouting Harfield H. Edmonds and Norman N. Lee
Confessions of a Book-Lover Maurice Francis Egan
Bridge; its Principles and Rules of Play J. B. Elwell
Advanced Bridge; The Higher Principles of the Game Analysed and Explained J. B. Elwell
Pele and Hiiaka: A Myth From Hawaii Nathaniel Bright Emerson
The reader's guide to the Encyclopaedia Britannica : A handbook containing sixty-six courses of systematic study or occasional reading Inc. Encyclopaedia Britannica
De Lof der Zotheid (Dutch) Desiderius Erasmus
The Sleeping Beauty C. S. Evans
The Old and the New Magic Henry Ridgely Evans
From the Ball-Room to Hell Thomas A. Faulkner
Surnames as a Science Robert Ferguson
The Navy as a Fighting Machine Bradley A. Fiske
Wood-Block Printing F. Morley Fletcher
The Universal Counterfeit and Altered Bank Note Detector, at Sight Henry C. Foote