Books in Browsing: Sports/Hobbies/Motoring (sorted alphabetically by author)
Daily Training E. F. Benson and Eustace Miles
The forward pass in football Elmer Berry
A Mirror of the Turf; Or, The Machinery of Horse-Racing Revealed, Showing the Sport of Kings as It Is To-Day James Glass Bertram
The Canadian Curler's Manual James Bicket
Chess History and Reminiscences H. E. Bird
Blacker's art of fly making, &c. : comprising angling, & dyeing of colours, with engravings of salmon & trout flies W. Blacker
How to Get Strong and How to Stay So William Blaikie
Games for All Occasions Mary E. Blain
Games for Hallow-e'en Mary E. Blain
The Juggler's Oracle; or, The Whole Art of Legerdemain Laid Open H. Boaz
The Scientific American Boy; Or, The Camp at Willow Clump Island A. Russell Bond
Scottish Football Reminiscences and Sketches David Drummond Bone
American Big-Game Hunting: The Book of the Boone and Crockett Club Boone and Crockett Club
A New System of Horsemanship Claude Bourgelat
Black Bass Charles Barker Bradford
The Determined Angler and the Brook Trout Charles Barker Bradford
Billiards William Broadfoot
Our Base Ball Club and How It Won the Championship Noah Brooks
Building a championship football team Paul W. Bryant
Home Fun Cecil Henry Bullivant
Hand-book for horsewomen Henri Lucien de Bussigny
Healthful Sports for Boys A. R. Calhoun
Association Football, and How To Play It John Cameron
Fishing with Floating Flies Samuel G. Camp
American Football Walter Camp