Books in Browsing: Science - General (sorted alphabetically by author)
How to become a lightning calculator Anonymous
Sciências Naturaes (Portuguese) Anonymous
The London and Country Brewer Anonymous
IBM 1401 Programming Systems Anonymous
The Wright Brothers Anonymous
Quacks and Grafters Anonymous
The Fireless Locomotive Anonymous
Body-snatching Anonymous
A Catechism of Familiar Things; Anonymous
Nuts to crack: A galaxy of puzzles, riddles, conundrums, etc. Anonymous
Wonders of Creation: A Descriptive Account of Volcanoes and Their Phenomena Anonymous
Trees of the Forest: Their Beauty and Use Anonymous
Milestones in the Mighty Age of Steam: The Grasshopper and the Corliss Anonymous
Dramas in de wolken: Luchtreizen en luchtreizigers (Dutch) Anonymous
Trees of the Northern United States A. C. Apgar
Le livre de tous les ménages (French) Nicolas Appert
The Art of Preserving All Kinds of Animal and Vegetable Substances for Several Years, 2nd ed. Nicolas Appert
Tom Swift and his airline express : or, From ocean to ocean by daylight Victor Appleton
Machine-Gun Tactics R. V. K. Applin
Biographies of distinguished scientific men. First series F. Arago
Histoire de ma jeunesse (French) F. Arago
Geometrical Solutions Derived from Mechanics; a Treatise of Archimedes Archimedes
Aristotle's History of Animals Aristotle
Cork: Being the story of the origin of cork, the processes employed in its manufacture & its various uses in the world to-day Armstrong Cork Company
Field Book of Western Wild Flowers Margaret Armstrong and J. J. Thornber