Books in Browsing: Religion/Spirituality/Paranormal (sorted by popularity)
The Grand Inquisitor Fyodor Dostoyevsky 3919 downloads
The Enchiridion Epictetus 3633 downloads
On the Duties of the Clergy Bishop of Milan Saint Ambrose 3588 downloads
Phaedo Plato 3562 downloads
Bede's Ecclesiastical History of England Saint the Venerable Bede 3553 downloads
The Pursuit of God A. W. Tozer 3541 downloads
A Treatise of Human Nature David Hume 3536 downloads
The Jewish State Theodor Herzl 3395 downloads
Revelations of Divine Love of Norwich Julian 3380 downloads
The Egyptian Book of the dead 3358 downloads
Human, All Too Human: A Book for Free Spirits Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 3263 downloads
Dao De Jing: A Minimalist Translation (Chinese) Laozi 3234 downloads
Apology Plato 3102 downloads
Omens and Superstitions of Southern India Edgar Thurston 3068 downloads
The City of God, Volume I Bishop of Hippo Saint Augustine 3055 downloads
Ecce Homo Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 2992 downloads
A New System; or, an Analysis of Antient Mythology. Volume 2 (of 6) Jacob Bryant 2978 downloads
The Interpretation of Dreams Sigmund Freud 2901 downloads
The Golden Bough: A Study in Comparative Religion (Vol. 2 of 2) James George Frazer 2729 downloads
Christianity and Islam in Spain, A.D. 756-1031 Charles Reginald Haines 2692 downloads
Euthyphro Plato 2592 downloads
The Pilgrim's Progress from this world to that which is to come John Bunyan 2572 downloads
The Imitation of Christ à Kempis Thomas 2448 downloads
The Principles of Psychology, Volume 1 (of 2) William James 2391 downloads
Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism Thomas Inman and M.R.C.S.E. John Newton 2335 downloads