Books in Browsing: Politics (sorted alphabetically by author)
Dalmatinische Reise (German) Hermann Bahr
Observations on the Present State of the Affairs of the River Plate Thomas Baines
Bismarck et la France (French) Jacques Bainville
Les conséquences politiques de la paix (French) Jacques Bainville
Monopolies and the People Charles Whiting Baker
Slavery James L. Baker
God and the State Mikhail Aleksandrovich Bakunin
Decadence Arthur James Balfour
Bureaucracy Honoré de Balzac
Eversti Chabert (Finnish) Honoré de Balzac
The Deputy of Arcis Honoré de Balzac
La Comédie humaine - Volume 12. Scènes de la vie parisienne et scènes de la vie politique (French) Honoré de Balzac
The Footprints of Time Charles Bancroft
Spellbinders Margaret Culkin Banning
A year in Russia Maurice Baring
British Socialism J. Ellis Barker
Woman in Modern Society Earl Barnes
History of the Thirty-Ninth Congress of the United States William Horatio Barnes
Practicable Socialism, New Series S. A. Barnett and Mrs. S. A. Barnett
Practicable Socialism: Essays on Social Reform S. A. Barnett and Mrs. S. A. Barnett
Dans le cloaque (French) Maurice Barrès
The congressman's wife, a story of American politics John D. Barry
The World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents George Barton
Barry Wynn; Or, The Adventures of a Page Boy in the United States Congress George Barton
The Lost Fruits of Waterloo John Spencer Bassett