Books in Browsing: Poetry (sorted alphabetically)
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13 Sonetos (Portuguese) Arnaldo Forte
1914, and Other Poems Rupert Brooke
1970: A Vision of the Coming Age John Collins
20 poemas para ser leídos en el tranvía (Spanish) Oliverio Girondo
25 vuotta (Finnish) Kasimir Leino
35 Sonnets Fernando Pessoa
3 Little Kittens Anonymous
Aamutuuli: Runoja (Finnish) Viljo Kojo
A Apple Pie Kate Greenaway
A B C of Drag Hunting Grace Clarke Newton
Abraham Lincoln: An Horatian Ode Richard Henry Stoddard
Abraham Poppius : elämäkerta ja runot (Finnish) Abraham Poppius and A. H. Bergholm
Absurd ABC Walter Crane
Absurd Ditties G. E. Farrow
Acanthus and Wild Grape Frank Oliver Call
Accolon of Gaul, with Other Poems Madison Julius Cawein
acht en twintigtal voorwerpen uit de natuurlijke geschiedenis, geschikt voor rederijkers- & nutsvoordrachten, (Dutch) Gerlacus Ribbius
Across the Sea and Other Poems. Thomas S. Chard
Actions and reactions Rudyard Kipling
Address, Delivered Before the Was-ah Ho-de-no-son-ne or New Confederacy of the Iroquois Henry Rowe Schoolcraft and William H. C. Hosmer
Address to a Wealthy Libertine James Parkerson
Adieu à la France (French) Marc Lescarbot
Adonais Percy Bysshe Shelley
Advance of English Poetry in the Twentieth Century William Lyon Phelps
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