Books in Browsing: Poetry (sorted alphabetically by author)
A Tale of Two Monkeys, and other stories Anonymous
The Infant's Delight: Poetry Anonymous
The Scribleriad, and The Difference Between Verbal and Practical Virtue Anonymous and Baron John Hervey Hervey
Le chat de la mère Michel: Complainte (French) Anonymous and Emile de La Bédollière
Two Poems Against Pope Anonymous and Mr. Welsted
Alcools (French) Guillaume Apollinaire
Calligrammes: Poèmes de la paix et de la guerre (1913-1916) (French) Guillaume Apollinaire
Le bestiaire: ou, Cortège d'Orphée (French) Guillaume Apollinaire
The Tale of the Argonauts Rhodius Apollonius
With the Colors Everard Jack Appleton
Feu de joie (French) Aragon
Rime di Tullia d'Aragona, cortigiana del secolo XVI (Italian) Tullia d' Aragona
Buda halála: Hún rege (Hungarian) János Arany
A estatua do poeta (Portuguese) Joaquim de Araújo
Fishy-Winkle Jean C. Archer
The adventures of Samuel and Selina Jean C. Archer
Memories of Canada and Scotland — Speeches and Verses Duke of John Douglas Sutherland Campbell Argyll
Orlando Furioso Lodovico Ariosto
Rinaldo ardito: Frammenti inediti pubblicati sul manoscritto originale (Italian) Lodovico Ariosto
Orlando Furioso (Italian) Lodovico Ariosto
Runousoppi (Finnish) Aristotle
The Poetics of Aristotle Aristotle
Über die Dichtkunst beim Aristoteles (German) Aristotle
Poetics Aristotle
Aristotle on the art of poetry Aristotle