Books in Browsing: Performing Arts/Film (sorted by popularity)
Shakespeare's play of the Merchant of Venice William Shakespeare 573 downloads
Pride and Prejudice, a play founded on Jane Austen's novel Jane Austen and Mrs. Steele MacKaye 571 downloads
Hänsel and Gretel: A Fairy Opera in Three Acts Adelheid Wette and Engelbert Humperdinck 569 downloads
Strife: A Drama in Three Acts John Galsworthy 555 downloads
Fifty Contemporary One-Act Plays 550 downloads
Molière - Œuvres complètes, Tome 3 (French) Molière 534 downloads
Love for Love: A Comedy William Congreve 521 downloads
The Busie Body Susanna Centlivre 507 downloads
Iphigenia in Tauris Johann Wolfgang von Goethe 494 downloads
The Dark Lady of the Sonnets Bernard Shaw 491 downloads
Androcles and the Lion Bernard Shaw 474 downloads
Die Technik des Dramas (German) Gustav Freytag 473 downloads
The Theory of the Theatre, and Other Principles of Dramatic Criticism Clayton Meeker Hamilton 465 downloads
Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore (Italian) Luigi Pirandello 462 downloads
Major Barbara Bernard Shaw 459 downloads
琵琶記 (Chinese) Ming Gao 457 downloads
The Rivals: A Comedy Richard Brinsley Sheridan 450 downloads
Scorn of Women: A Play In Three Acts Jack London 439 downloads
Faust: A Lyric Drama in Five Acts Charles Gounod, Jules Barbier, and Michel Carré 418 downloads
John Bull's Other Island Bernard Shaw 414 downloads
Four Plays of Gil Vicente (Portuguese) Gil Vicente 414 downloads
The tragical acts, or comical tragedies of Punch and Judy W. J. Judd 410 downloads
Augustus Does His Bit: A True-to-Life Farce Bernard Shaw 407 downloads
The Recruiting Officer George Farquhar 403 downloads
Exiles: A Play in Three Acts James Joyce 402 downloads