Books in Browsing: Music (sorted alphabetically)
Cardinal Newman as a Musician Edward Bellasis
Caruso and Tetrazzini on the Art of Singing Enrico Caruso and Luisa Tetrazzini
Case of Wagner, Nietzsche Contra Wagner, and Selected Aphorisms. Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche
chanson des joujoux (French) Jules Jouy
Chansons de France pour les petits Français (French)
chanteur parisien (French) Louis Ange Pitou
Chapters of Opera Henry Edward Krehbiel
Charge of the Light Brigade Kenneth Landfrey
Charles Auchester, Volume 1 (of 2) Elizabeth Sara Sheppard
Charles Auchester, Volume 2 (of 2) Elizabeth Sara Sheppard
Charles Dickens and Music James T. Lightwood
Charles Gounod Charles Gounod
Chats on Violoncellos Olga Racster
Chats to 'Cello Students Arthur Broadley
chef d'orchestre: théorie de son art (French) Hector Berlioz
chevalier Sarti (French) Paul Scudo
Child-Voice in Singing Francis E. Howard
Choclo Tango
Chopin and Other Musical Essays Henry T. Finck
Chopin : the Man and His Music James Huneker
Chopin : The Story of the Boy Who Made Beautiful Melodies Thomas Tapper
Christian Hymns of the First Three Centuries Ruth Ellis Messenger
Christmas Carol Collection 2006 Various
Christmas carols : Old English carols for Christmas and other festivals
Church Bells H. B. Walters