Books in Browsing: Music (sorted alphabetically by author)
Indian Story and Song, from North America Alice C. Fletcher
A Short History of English Music Ernest Ford
Johann Sebastian Bach: His Life, Art, and Work Johann Nikolaus Forkel
The Wagner Story Book: Firelight Tales of the Great Music Dramas William Henry Frost
The Operatic Problem William Johnson Galloway
Essentials of Music Theory: Elementary Carl E. Gardner
Le collier des jours: Le troisième rang du collier (French) Judith Gautier
Richard Wagner and His Poetical Work, from "Rienzi" to "Parsifal" Judith Gautier
Wagner at Home Judith Gautier
The Beggar's Opera John Gay
The Beggar's Opera; to Which is Prefixed the Musick to Each Song John Gay
Music Notation and Terminology Karl Wilson Gehrkens
Essentials in Conducting Karl Wilson Gehrkens
George Gemünder's Progress in Violin Making George Gemünder
Libretto: La Bohème Giuseppe Giacosa and Luigi Illica
The Complete Plays of Gilbert and Sullivan W. S. Gilbert and Arthur Sullivan
Stories of Symphonic Music Lawrence Gilman
Aspects of Modern Opera: Estimates and Inquiries Lawrence Gilman
Debussy's Pelléas et Mélisande Lawrence Gilman
Edward MacDowell: A Study Lawrence Gilman
How the Piano Came to Be Ellye Howell Glover
Symphonies and Their Meaning; Third Series, Modern Symphonies Philip H. Goepp
Lessons in Music Form Percy Goetschius
First Steps to Bell Ringing Samuel B. Goslin
Charles Gounod Charles Gounod