Books in Browsing: Language & Communication (sorted alphabetically by author)
L'ancien Figaro (French) Anonymous
Little Scenes for Little Folks Anonymous
Historie van het huis van Adriaan: Eene grappige vertelling (Dutch) Anonymous
Florence Hanemann's Dance Revue Anonymous
Favorite Nursery Rhymes Anonymous
The Gentleman's Model Letter-writer Anonymous
三字經 (Chinese) Anonymous
詩經 (Chinese) Anonymous
Litanaiit Liturgiillo attoraksat illagêktunut Labradoremẽtunut (Inuktitut) Anonymous
- Den Lilla Swenska och Finska Tolken = Ruottalainen ja Suomalainen Kielikirja (Finnish) (Swedish) Anonymous
Esperanto-Germana frazlibro de la ĉiutaga vivo (German) (Esperanto) R. Anton and J. Borel
Fabulae, virginibus puerisque aut narrandae aut recitandae (Latin) R. B. Appleton
Puer romanus (Latin) R. B. Appleton and W. H. S. Jones
Pons tironum (Latin) R. B. Appleton and W. H. S. Jones
The Apologia and Florida of Apuleius of Madaura Apuleius
Feu de joie (French) Aragon
Rakontoj (Esperanto) Jakub Arbes
Lettere di Lodovico Ariosto (Italian) Lodovico Ariosto
The Clouds Aristophanes
Comedias, tomo 3 de 3 : Las Fiestas de Ceres, las Ranas, las Junteras, Pluto (Spanish) Aristophanes
Aristophane; Traduction nouvelle, tome premier (French) Aristophanes
English Grammar and Composition for Public Schools G. H. Armstrong
Die Ammen-Uhr: Aus des Knaben Wunderhorn (German) Freiherr von Ludwig Achim Arnim and Clemens Brentano
The boy nihilist : or, Young America in Russia Allan Arnold
On Translating Homer Matthew Arnold and Francis William Newman