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Displaying results 1–25
The Clarion
Samuel Hopkins Adams
Comment on devient écrivain (French)
Antoine Albalat
Film Truth; November, 1920
The Daily Newspaper: The History of Its Production and Distibution
Film Truth; September, 1920
The man who found out
Roger D. Aycock
Wit, humor, reason, rhetoric, prose, poetry and story woven into eight popular lectures
George W. Bain
Flash Evans, Camera News Hawk
Frank Bell
The Free Press
Hilaire Belloc
The Author's Craft
Arnold Bennett
Journalism for Women: A Practical Guide
Arnold Bennett
How To Write Special Feature Articles
Willard Grosvenor Bleyer
Types of News Writing
Willard Grosvenor Bleyer
Newspaper Writing and Editing
Willard Grosvenor Bleyer
Editorials from the Hearst Newspapers
Arthur Brisbane
On the manner of negotiating with princes
Monsieur de Callières
Writing and rewriting
George Carver, William S. Maulsby, and Thomas A. Knott
Voli di guerra: Impressioni di un giornalista pilota (Italian)
Otello Cavara
Ephemera Critica; Or, Plain Truths About Current Literature
John Churton Collins
Redevoeringen (Dutch)
Hendrik Conscience
The Fiction Factory
William Wallace Cook
Mightier than the Sword
Alphonse Courlander
If You Don't Write Fiction
Charles Phelps Cushing
The Reporter Who Made Himself King
Richard Harding Davis
A Vindication of the Press
Daniel Defoe
Displaying results 1–25