Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically)
cuatro jinetes del apocalipsis (Spanish) Vicente Blasco Ibáñez
Cudjo's Cave J. T. Trowbridge
Cupid in Africa Percival Christopher Wren
Cup of Fury: A Novel of Cities and Shipyards Rupert Hughes
Current History: A Monthly Magazine of the New York Times, May 1918 Various
Current History, Vol. VIII, No. 3, June 1918 Various
Custer's Last Shot; or, The Boy Trailer of the Little Horn Col. J. M. Travers
Cynthia Ann Parker James T. DeShields
Dallo Stelvio al mare (Italian) Massimo Bontempelli
Dangerous Days Mary Roberts Rinehart
Dardanelles campaign Henry Woodd Nevinson
Dardanelles: Colour Sketches From Gallipoli Norman Wilkinson
Daring and Suffering: A History of the Great Railroad Adventure William Pittenger
Darius the Great Jacob Abbott
Dark Chapter from New Zealand History James Hawthorne
Dark Forest Hugh Walpole
Dark Star Robert W. Chambers
Dark Tower Phyllis Bottome
Dash from Diamond City George Manville Fenn
Dastral of the Flying Corps Rowland Walker
Dave Darrin and the German Submarines H. Irving Hancock
Dave Dawson at Casablanca Robert Sidney Bowen
Dave Dawson at Dunkirk Robert Sidney Bowen
Dave Dawson at Singapore Robert Sidney Bowen
Dave Dawson at Truk Robert Sidney Bowen