Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically)
Captive at Carlsruhe and Other German Prison Camps Joseph Lee
Captivity and Escape Jean Martin
captivity, sufferings, and escape of James Scurry James Scurry
Capture and Escape: A Narrative of Army and Prison Life John Azor Kellogg
Capturing a Locomotive: A History of Secret Service in the Late War. William Pittenger
caravanes d'un chirurgien d'ambulances pendant le siége de Paris et sous la commune (French) Désiré Joseph Joulin
Care of the Dead Anonymous
Carry On! A Story of the Fight for Bagdad Herbert Strang
Carry On: Letters in War-Time Coningsby Dawson
Cartoons on the War Boardman Robinson
Case of Edith Cavell James M. Beck
Caught by the Turks Francis Yeats-Brown
Cause of the Charge of Balaclava Thomas Morley
Cavaliers of Fortune; Or, British Heroes in Foreign Wars James Grant
Cavalry Friedrich von Bernhardi
Cavalry General Xenophon
Cavalry in Future Wars Friedrich von Bernhardi
Cavalry of the Clouds Alan Bott
Cawnpore George Otto Trevelyan
Cent Jours (1/2) (French) baron Pierre Alexandre Édouard Fleury de Chaboulon
Century of Wrong Jan Christiaan Smuts
Cent-vingt jours de service actif (French) Charles R. Daoust
Cetywayo and his White Neighbours H. Rider Haggard
challenge of the dead : A vision of the war and the life of the common soldier in France, seen two years afterwards between August and November, 1920 Stephen Graham
Chameleon Man William P. McGivern