Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically)
Camps, Quarters, and Casual Places Archibald Forbes
Canada in Flanders, Volume I Baron Max Aitken Beaverbrook
Canada in Flanders, Volume II Baron Max Aitken Beaverbrook
Canada in Flanders, Volume III Sir Charles G. D. Roberts
Canada in war-paint Ralph W. Bell
Canadian Brothers; Or, The Prophecy Fulfilled: A Tale of the Late American War — Complete Major Richardson
Canadian Brothers; Or, The Prophecy Fulfilled: A Tale of the Late American War — Volume 1 Major Richardson
Canadian Brothers; Or, The Prophecy Fulfilled: A Tale of the Late American War — Volume 2 Major Richardson
Canute the Great, 995 (circa)-1035, and the Rise of Danish Imperialism during the Viking Age Laurence Marcellus Larson
Cape Gloucester: The Green Inferno Bernard C. Nalty
Capsina: An Historical Novel E. F. Benson
Captain Calamity Rolf Bennett
Captain Carey; or, Fighting the Indians at Pine Ridge Lionel Lounsberry
Captain Cook in New South Wales; Or, The Mystery of Naming Botany Bay James Bonwick
Captain Cuellar's Adventures in Connaught & Ulster A.D. 1588. active 16th century Francisco de Cuellar and Hugh Allingham
Captain in the Ranks: A Romance of Affairs George Cary Eggleston
Captain Jim Mary Grant Bruce
Captain Lucy and Lieutenant Bob Aline Havard
Captain Lucy in France Aline Havard
Captain Lucy in the Home Sector Aline Havard
Captain Macklin: His Memoirs Richard Harding Davis
Captain of the Janizaries James M. Ludlow
Captain of the Kali Gary Wright
Captain Sam: The Boy Scouts of 1814 George Cary Eggleston
Captains of the Civil War: A Chronicle of the Blue and the Gray William Wood