Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically)
Bombardment of Reims Barr Ferree
Bombers' Training, and Application of Same in Trench Warfare Lieutenant J. R. Ferris
Bomb-Makers William Le Queux
Bonaparte et les Républiques Italiennes (1796-1799) (French) Paul Gaffarel
Bonnie Prince Charlie : a Tale of Fontenoy and Culloden G. A. Henty
book of Artemas Andrew Cassels Brown
Book of the Homeless (Le livre des sans-foyer) (French)
Book of the Sword Sir Richard Francis Burton
Book of the V.C. A. L. Haydon
Book of War: The Military Classic of the Far East active 6th century B.C. Sunzi and Qi Wu
Boots and Saddles"; Or, Life in Dakota with General Custer Elizabeth Bacon Custer
Border and Bastille George A. Lawrence
Border and the Buffalo: An Untold Story of the Southwest Plains John R. Cook
Boy Allies at Jutland; Or, The Greatest Naval Battle of History Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies at Verdun; Or, Saving France from the Enemy Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies in Great Peril; Or, With the Italian Army in the Alps Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies in the Balkan Campaign; Or, the Struggle to Save a Nation Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies in the Baltic; Or, Through Fields of Ice to Aid the Czar Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies in the Trenches; Or, Midst Shot and Shell Along the Aisne Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies on the Firing Line; Or, Twelve Days Battle Along the Marne Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies on the North Sea Patrol Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies Under the Sea; Or, The Vanishing Submarines Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies under Two Flags Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies with Haig in Flanders; Or, the Fighting Canadians of Vimy Ridge Clair W. Hayes
Boy Allies with Marshal Foch; or, The Closing Days of the Great World War Clair W. Hayes