Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically)
Big Time Fritz Leiber
Billy Barcroft, R.N.A.S.: A Story of the Great War Percy F. Westerman
Biography of a Rabbit Roy Benson
Biribi: Discipline militaire (French) Georges Darien
Black Arrow: A Tale of the Two Roses Robert Louis Stevenson
Black Galley Wilhelm Raabe
Black Hawk War Including a Review of Black Hawk's Life Frank Everett Stevens
Black Phalanx Joseph T. Wilson
Black Watch: A Record in Action Joe Cassells
Black Watch at Ticonderoga and Major Duncan Campbell of Inverawe Frederick B. Richards
Blair of Balaclava : A hero of the Light Brigade Escott Lynn
Blesky nad Beskydami (Czech) František Omelka
Blockade-Brecher (German) K. E. Selow-Serman
Blocking of Zeebrugge Alfred Francis Blakeney Carpenter
Blood Brothers: A Medic's Sketch Book Eugene C. Jacobs
Bloody Beaches: The Marines at Peleliu Gordon D. Gayle
Blot on the Kaiser's 'Scutcheon Newell Dwight Hillis
Blue Devil of France: Epic figures and stories of the Great War, 1914-1918 G.-P. Capart
Blue Shirt and Khaki: A Comparison James F. J. Archibald
Bob Hampton of Placer Randall Parrish
Boche and Bolshevik Hereward Thimbleby Price
Boer Politics Yves Guyot
Boer War Lyrics Louis Selmer
Bombardeos Atomicos de Hiroshima y Nagasaki (Spanish) United States. Army. Corps of Engineers. Manhattan District
bombardier, and pocket gunner Ralph Willett Adye