Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically)
Behind the Scenes in Warring Germany Edward Lyell Fox
Belagerung von Mainz (German) Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Beleaguered in Pekin: The Boxer's War Against the Foreigner Robert Coltman
beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem, in 1572-1573 (deel 2 van 3) (Dutch) J. van de Capelle
beleg en de verdediging van Haarlem, in 1572-1573 (deel 3 van 3) (Dutch) J. van de Capelle
Belfry May Sinclair
Belgian Front and Its Notable Features Willy Breton
Belgian Mother, and Ballads of Battle Time Thaddeus A. Browne
Belgians to the Front James Fiske
Belgique héroïque et martyre (French) Various
Belinda of the Red Cross Robert W. Hamilton
Beryl of the Biplane: Being the Romance of an Air-Woman of To-Day William Le Queux
Best o' luck: How a fighting Kentuckian won the thanks of Britain's King Alexander McClintock
Best Stories of the 1914 European War Various
Bethink Yourselves!" graf Leo Tolstoy
Betrothed Walter Scott
Better Germany in War Time: Being Some Facts Towards Fellowship Harold W. Picton
Between the Lines Boyd Cable
Between the Lines: Secret Service Stories Told Fifty Years After Henry Bascom Smith
Between two thieves Richard Dehan
Beyond the Lines; Or, A Yankee Prisoner Loose in Dixie John James Geer
Beyond the Marne: Quincy, Huiry, Voisins before and during the battle Henriette Cuvru-Magot
Big Blue Soldier Grace Livingston Hill
Big Fight (Gallipoli to the Somme) David Fallon
Big Five Motorcycle Boys on the Battle Line; Or, With the Allies in France Ralph Marlow