Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically)
Battle of the Marne G. H. Perris
Battle of the Rivers Edmund Dane
Battle of the Strong: A Romance of Two Kingdoms — Complete Gilbert Parker
Battle of the Strong: A Romance of Two Kingdoms — Volume 1 Gilbert Parker
Battle of the Strong: A Romance of Two Kingdoms — Volume 2 Gilbert Parker
Battle of the Strong: A Romance of Two Kingdoms — Volume 4 Gilbert Parker
Battle of the Strong: A Romance of Two Kingdoms — Volume 5 Gilbert Parker
Battle of the Strong: A Romance of Two Kingdoms — Volume 6 Gilbert Parker
Battle of Tsu-shima V. I. Semenov
Battle of Verdun (1914-1918)
Battle of Wavre and Grouchy's Retreat William Hyde Kelly
Battles & Bivouacs: A French soldier's note-book Jacques Roujon
Battles in Flanders, from Ypres to Neuve Chapelle Edmund Dane
battles of the British Army : being a popular account of all the principal engagements during the last hundred years Robert Melvin Blackwood
Battles of the Civil War Thomas Elbert Vineyard
battles of the world : or, cyclopedia of battles, sieges, and important military events J. Douglas Borthwick
Battle Studies; Ancient and Modern Battle Charles Jean Jacques Joseph Ardant du Picq
Battlewrack F. Britten Austin
Bayonet Training Manual Used by the British Forces Anonymous
Bear Trap Alan Edward Nourse
Beaumarchais and the War of American Independence, Vol. 1 Elizabeth Sarah Kite
Beaumarchais and the War of American Independence, Vol. 2 Elizabeth Sarah Kite
Before the Dawn: A Story of the Fall of Richmond Joseph A. Altsheler
Before the War Viscount R. B. Haldane Haldane
Begumbagh: A Tale of the Indian Mutiny George Manville Fenn