Books in Browsing: History - Warfare (sorted alphabetically by author)
The Matabele Campaign Baron Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell Baden-Powell of Gilwell
My adventures as a spy Baron Robert Stephenson Smyth Baden-Powell Baden-Powell of Gilwell
The Happy Foreigner Enid Bagnold
A Diary Without Dates Enid Bagnold
The Tin Soldier Temple Bailey
Mafeking : a diary of the siege Frederick David Baillie
Bullets & Billets Bruce Bairnsfather
Fragments from France Bruce Bairnsfather
Les Français en Amérique pendant la guerre de l'indépendance des États-Unis 1777-1783 (French) Thomas Balch
- Tactics, Volume 1 (of 2). Introduction and Formal Tactics of Infantry W. Balck
"I was there" with the Yanks on the western front, 1917-1919 Cyrus Leroy Baldridge and Hilmar R. Baukhage
"Holding the line" Harold Baldwin
History of the 1/4th Battalion Duke of Wellington's (West Riding) Regiment, 1914-1919. P. G. Bales
In the Track of the Troops R. M. Ballantyne
The Solution of the Pyramid Problem; or, Pyramid Discoveries Robert Ballard
Ruth of the U. S. A. Edwin Balmer
Colonel Chabert Honoré de Balzac
Tine (Danish) Herman Bang
A batalha de Toro (Portuguese) António Francisco Barata
Under Fire: The Story of a Squad Henri Barbusse
Light Henri Barbusse
Le feu (Journal d'une Escouade) (French) Henri Barbusse
The Land of the Miamis Elmore Barce
A Doctor in France, 1917-1919: The Diary of Harold Barclay Harold Barclay
Poems, 1914-1919 Maurice Baring