Books in Humor (sorted alphabetically)
Diary of a Nobody George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith
Diary of a Nobody George Grossmith and Weedon Grossmith
Dreamers: A Club John Kendrick Bangs
Eliza Barry Pain
English as she is spoke; or, a jest in sober earnest José da Fonseca and Pedro Carolino
Fables for the Frivolous Guy Wetmore Carryl
Fables for the Frivolous Guy Wetmore Carryl
Foolish Dictionary Gideon Wurdz
Frenzied Fiction Stephen Leacock
Further Foolishness Stephen Leacock
Gem Collector P. G. Wodehouse
Genial Idiot: His Views and Reviews John Kendrick Bangs
Ghosts I Have Met and Some Others John Kendrick Bangs
Gold Bat P. G. Wodehouse
Golfer's Rubaiyat Henry Walcott Boynton
Grimm Tales Made Gay Guy Wetmore Carryl
Guest at the Ludlow, and Other Stories Bill Nye
Head of Kay's P. G. Wodehouse
History and Records of the Elephant Club Q. K. Philander Doesticks and Edward F. Underhill
Hohenzollerns in America Stephen Leacock
Hôtel Buchholz. Ausstellungs-Erlebnisse der Frau Wilhelmine Buchholz (German) Julius Stinde
House-Boat on the Styx John Kendrick Bangs
Humorous History of England Charles Harrison
Idiot John Kendrick Bangs
In Brief Authority F. Anstey